Make Your Mobility Scooter A Convertible!

Make Your Mobility Scooter a Convertible!

Make your mobility scooter a convertible with the Scooterpac folding canopy. Yes that's right,  you can turn your mobility scooter into a "convertible" with the easy folding Scooterpac folding canopy. Come over to our showrooms to see one for yourself, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to use and it fits the majority of mobility scooters. In just a minute or two it folds away neatly into it's own pack behind your seat. There are two sizes to cover small and larger mobility scooters and it will even fit onto the small portable mobility scooters, something that conventional mobility scooter canopies do not do. 

Go to our website at Scooterpac Folding Canopy - Click Here

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